Bone Transport
Sometimes part of a bone is so damaged that it is unsalvageable and more advanced techniques are needed to remedy the issue. Bone transport surgery is a complex process that relies on one's natural healing ability to re-grow lost bone. Below is the story of a patient that needed this limb-saving surgery.

Walking Again

After severe trauma and multiple failed surgeries, Mr. Alharthi was missing part of his tibia and was in grave danger of losing his leg. The pre op x ray shows a large cement spacer filling a vast section of missing tibia bone. In addition the bone was infected and the ankle contracted.
He came to Dr. Fragomen from halfway across the world in hopes of keeping his leg and being able to walk again.
During Transport

Dr. Fragomen used the internal bone transport nail coated in antibiotic paste on Mr. Alharthi to transport healthy tibia bone to fill in the gap. As the bone transport worked it's way down, new bone began to grow in it's place.
Eventually, the bone fully consolidated and Mr. Alharthi was able to return home with his leg, now fully functional.

Eventually, the bone fully consolidated and was infection free. With a delicate soft tissue surgery his ankle motion was restored, and Mr. Alharthi was able to return home with his leg fully functional.
Bobby's Story
"He gave me my leg back, he gave me my life back."
Oinar's Journey
"This is the surgery that made the most sense."